Terms and Conditions



1. Lists of poster sites 

Bierlein & Jerrent GbR is not obliged to create lists of the locations and the number of pasted posters. Lists of the areas will be made available to the customer if he expressly requests this when placing the order. 


2. Withdrawal 

It is not possible to withdraw from purchased or mediated media services that Bierlein & Jerrent GbR books or purchases on behalf of the client. Withdrawal from the contract for all other services is possible for both contractual partners up to 30 days before the start of the order. Mutual obligations do not arise in this case. Cancellation of the contract after this period obliges the customer to pay the entire invoice amount. 


3. Transmission of the data and the customer’s obligation to cooperate 

During the entire project, the client is obliged to provide the necessary data and information for printing, production and planning, which are required for the implementation of the project or the production of the advertising material, in good time. The print data and production specifications must be made available with the order confirmation and no later than two weeks before implementation, unless otherwise stated in the offer. 


4. Complaint 

During the entire project, the client is obliged to provide the necessary data and information for printing, production and planning, which are required for the implementation of the project or the production of the advertising material, in good time. The print data and production specifications must be made available with the order confirmation and no later than two weeks before implementation, unless otherwise stated in the offer. 


5. Guerrilla Campaign Liability

 Echoposter is a vicarious agent in guerrilla marketing campaigns and is only liable for damage to the body and physical integrity caused intentionally or through gross negligence by Echoposter. Echoposter carries out its work on behalf of the customer and is the executive force for advertising campaigns of various natures. As a vicarious agent, however, Echoposter is not liable for material damage or for justified or unfounded claims by third parties or for claims arising from the purpose of the campaign and in the context of the achievement of the objectives of the respective campaign. 


6. Payment

 in advance All orders are carried out against prepayment. Bierlein / Jerrent GbR is entitled to defer or interrupt the execution of an order until payment has been made, without the customer being entitled to a right of withdrawal. 


7. Mediation 

For order processing in which Bierlein Jerrent GbR acts exclusively as an intermediary agency, the general terms and conditions of the company that executes the order apply.

 8. Photo documentation for townboards / rental locations 

Bierlein Jerrent GbR is not obliged to provide photo documentation as part of a rental point poster, unless the documentation of the rental points is regulated in a contract. Echoposter has the right to document and publish its work on its website and other channels. 


9. Photo documentation 

Bierlein Jerrent GbR is only obliged to provide photo documentation after consultation, the photo documentation will not document 100% of the poster campaign. 


10. Final Provision 

Should individual provisions of these GTC be ineffective or unenforceable or become ineffective or unenforceable after the conclusion of the contract, the validity of the rest of the GTC shall remain unaffected. The invalid or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by a valid and enforceable provision whose effects come as close as possible to the economic objective pursued by the contracting parties with the invalid or unenforceable provision. 


11. Jurisdiction 

Place of jurisdiction is the District Court of Charlottenburg or the District Court of Berlin.




Murals Agency
Schillerpromenade 39
12049 Berlin
030 612343242